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  • #5122


    Im wiring up the 9 pin socket on my build and I think its mis labled or something as the pin labels dont correspond to any 9 pin pinout diagram I can find.

    the spot labled pin 5 does not have a tang or a corresponding tube pin under it and there is a tang between 1 and 9 that is unlabled with a corresponding hole for a tube pin. The instructions clearly show a tang at pin 5 to be jumped with pin 4 for 6.3 supply

    Did I get a bad socket? or is this just something im missing?



    sorry dont know how this post ended up in designing and building effects.



    It just sounds like the pins are mislabeled. I never even look at the labeling. You know that the empty space is between pin 1 and 9. As long as it has nine pins, and it will accept noval tube, then don’t worry how it has been labeled. Just count around the socket, starting at pin 1.


    Yea,I had the same problem once some time ago and sent them back,Good luck.

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