Home Forums Design and Building Effects Design and Construction TAN version of the Two Stroke

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    I’m not sure why you would want to build a 2Stroke if you’ve not read DH’s book or have an interest in tube amp design and construction. But, if there are those that are going to do it, how about putting up a photo tutorial to add them along? I’d be willing to do the construction photos if someone would put the pages together…Andy, what do you think?


    I will add a bit of background the the Tan Two Stroke page in the next couple days.

    I would be more than willing to assemble a tutorial from some photos. Keep in mind that it may have to come together over time ;) But I think that would be very helpful and can make room for it here.

    I can’t get Dave Hunter’s book much cheaper than Amazon, so bundling it in the kit doesnt make much sense. But a photo tutorial sounds like a great idea. The Wiki now has the addendum to the book, schematic, and revised layout. At some point, I would like to have a TAN version of the layout and may feel moved to do that this month (presently Im in Kauai and I’m moved to pretty much relax ;) )


    I like the book tab – great job. Here is another great book although Amazon is out of stock right now


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